What is Strep A?
Strep A is a type of bacteria called Streptococcus pyogenes that can cause a variety of infections in humans. These infections can range from mild, such as strep throat, to more severe conditions such as necrotizing fasciitis (also known as "flesh-eating disease").
How is Strep A spread?
Strep A infections are spread through direct contact with an infected person via coughs and sneezes, open wounds or through contact with an object or surface that an infected person has touched.
80% of infections are spread through touch and people can touch up to 300 surfaces per hour, meaning infected people can be moving germ spreaders through your factory, school, healthcare centre, business….
What are the symptoms?
Symptoms of a Strep A infection can include fever, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes. If left untreated, complications can occur such as rheumatic fever or kidney inflammation.
How do you protect against it?
To protect against Streptococcus pyogenes (Strep A), the following steps can be taken:
Is Bioguard effective against Strep A?
Bioguard products have been tested to the gold EN13727 standard with a 30 second contact time and tested in dirty conditions to reflect real life use, unlike some alternative products that are only tested in clean conditions with long contact times. Bioguard has shown to be effective against streptococcus at up to 1:1000 dilution.
EN13727 standard is the gold standard used by healthcare professionals to determine product suitability for hospitals, a product passing this standard will offer more effective protection.
In addition to the efficacy of our product. Bioguard products are also:
Hygiene Group use Bioguard products and you can purchase your Bioguard products from Hygiene Stores by emailing enquiries@hygienestores.co.uk or calling 0121 458 5598.
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Kings Norton Business Centre,
Kings Norton, Birmingham B30 3HZ
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