What is Foam Cleaning?

February 14, 2022

What is Foam Cleaning?

Foam cleaning is a process that uses a foaming agent to clean surfaces. The foam works to loosen and lift dirt and debris from the surface, making it easier to remove. This type of cleaning is often used in factories and other industrial settings where there is a lot of dirt and greasy build-up. Foam cleaners can be used for internal and external cleaning of tanks, as well as floors, cladding, walls, production equipment and many other hard surfaces.

This type of cleaning is a popular choice for industrial and commercial cleaning applications because it is effective at removing grease, dirt, and grime while offering superior performance. In addition, since foams stay on the surface longer than other liquids, this extended contact time makes them perfect for the food industry, where cleanliness needs constant attention.

How is foam cleaning done in the factories?

Traditionally, foam cleaning was done with a brush and bucket of soapy water. However, foam cleaning has become a popular alternative in recent years to clean food processing equipment. 


In general, the process involves mixing water with a cleaning agent and then applying a clingy foam through a specialist lance and low pressure jet wash onto the surface to be cleaned. The foam is then left on for a few minutes to loosen the dirt and grease. The foam is then wiped away, taking the dirt with it and leaving the surface clean.


The high-quality detergents used in foam cleaning dissolve oils, fats and greases quickly, leaving surfaces clean and free from contaminants. Foam cleaning is often used to clean factory equipment due to the ability of foam to cling to surfaces and remove debris. 

Why is foam cleaning so effective?

There is a good reason why foam cleaning is often considered the best way to clean surfaces - it works! The thick, clinging foam penetrates deep into crack, crevices and inaccessible areas to remove dirt, fat and debris, while the detergents dissolve greasy residues.

Surfactants, which are compounds that help break down dirt and grease, are present in foam cleaners making them effective. They also have detergents, which help remove any food or beverage residue. As a result, foam cleaners can quickly and easily remove any build-up on any surface.

There are a number of benefits to using foam cleaning in food manufacturing plants. Foam is able to quickly and effectively remove residue from a variety of surfaces. In addition, it can help reduce the amount of water and detergents needed for cleaning, which can save money and time. Foam also helps kill bacteria, making it a more effective way to avoid cross-contamination of products. 

Compared to traditional methods like wiping or scrubbing, foam cleaning can save you time and effort while delivering superior results. In addition, foam is gentle enough to use on most surfaces without causing any damage. So if you are looking for an effective way to clean your surfaces, give foam cleaning a try!

Hygiene Group
is a UK-based company that specialises in foam cleaning services. We provide our clients with safe and effective solutions to clean their facilities.

We offer foam cleaning services to the food & beverage industry, pharmaceuticals, and other industries for many different applications, including routine maintenance of factory equipment or preparation before starting production. 

To find out why we have been trusted by so many customers across the UK over the years, contact us now!

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